November 2018 - THIS week's PICTURE

Wendy in the Conservatory : photo by Malcolm Aslett


This is similar to last week's photo though more centrally balanced. The main items also give cause and pause to the activity.

The circle and rectangle of the table and carpet in the lower section do provide a solid base. The carpet is actually a bit of a construction as there were not enough photographs to complete it so I copied and flipped parts to get it more or less done.

While more could have been done to have items fully coherent I chose to keep facets and overlaps in quite a few places. There is a superstition over the incomplete object. Remember how as a kid we draw complete items rather than showing a part obscured by other objects. The obsessiveness comes out again in a wish to complete everything, to join and fix each item. I know some who much prefer my photos when there is a coherence to everything shown. It is easy to forget that there is a beauty in incompleteness as well, just not as obvious a one.



